Thursday, April 30, 2009



YOUR PATH TO HEALTH is a 30 minute health and wellness program that will follow individuals with life threatening illness for 6 months. The idea is to capture the empowered individuals and their clairity of intention. The focus of this program is preventative healthcare – after all, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

Through dynamic intereactions between the selected practitioners and real patients seeking healhcare outside of the medical establishment, viewers will come to understand that everything needed for healing the physical body is already present within the body.

The pilot episode, is scheduled to air in the first quarter of 2010. YOUR PATH TO HEALTH was created to educate, enlighten and entertain by showcasing real people with chronic conditions who experience relief through the healing powers of complementary medicine. By focusing on natural setttings and natural remedies, YOUR PATH TO HEALTH will help viewers to acknowledge the power of prevention in improving health.